Ayurveda means the science of life. The seasons have a great effect on us. In the beginning of the winter months we move into the vata phase or a time when the airy aspect of the universe is dominant. Vata season brings dryness and cold. It can also be a time of erratic movement. In Ayurveda we focus on the term “like increase like”,we want to bring in the gunas of the opposite quality so we can balance out the vata elements. We can start to imagine what will bring in the qualities of warm, moist, and slow. We want to have a special ritual or routine for each season to help bring our doshas (elements) into balance. The seasonal ritual or routine is called ritucharya. We also have a daily self care practice called dinacharya. Having a self care practice that grounds and connects us to the present moment is a vital part of yogic health and vitality.
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Ayurveda means the science of life. The seasons have a great effect on us. In the beginning of the winter months we move into the vata phase or a time when the airy aspect of the universe is dominant. Vata season brings dryness and cold. It can also be a time of erratic movement. In Ayurveda we focus on the term “like increase like”,we want to bring in the gunas of the opposite quality so we can balance out the vata elements. We can start to imagine what will bring in the qualities of warm, moist, and slow. We want to have a special ritual or routine for each season to help bring our doshas (elements) into balance. The seasonal ritual or routine is called ritucharya. We also have a daily self care practice called dinacharya. Having a self care practice that grounds and connects us to the present moment is a vital part of yogic health and vitality.
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